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Parent Contract
Parent Contract
Agreements Section 1
Adhere to the 180-day attendance requirement.
The school day starts at 8:00am. Students will be counted tardy after 8:30am. CONSEQUENCES FOR TARDINESS: 5th tardy: Verbal warning 7th tardy: Letter sent to parent/guardian outlining this policy. 9th tardy: Parent conference with Administration to resolve issue.
Tuition will be paid on a bi-weekly schedule (Friday before instruction). All fees will be paid through Brightwheel App late fee of $20.00 will be applied after the close of business on Monday and an additional $2.00 per day thereafter. If tuition is not paid by Tuesday morning of the following bi weekly schedule, then you will not be able to drop your kid off at Arete Preparatory School until tuition is paid.
Late Pick-up Fees: The school closes promptly at 5:00PM. Therefore, all children picked up after this time will be assessed a $20.00 fee plus $1.00 per min after 6:30pm. (This policy will be strictly enforced). Please note that this is per child and not per family. This fee will be added to your next Brightwheel statement.
Financial Obligations Students who have outstanding financial obligations will not be issued report cards, transcripts, diplomas, or school records. All financial obligations must be cleared before the last day of school. If financial obligations are not made in a timely manner, the account will be taken to small claims court and court fees will be applied to the outstanding balance.
Check all of the boxes to confirm you agree with the stated policies.
Agreements Section 2
Holiday Closure Parents are required to pay for tuition during all holiday breaks. Thanksgiving Break Christmas Break Spring Break
The school agrees to inform me of any incidents, including illnesses, injuries, adverse reactions to medications, exposure to communicable diseases, which include my child. I certify that my child does have medical coverage and that I am responsible for all medical expenses incurred.
The school agrees to obtain written authorization from me before my child participates in field trips and special activities away from the school.
I hereby release harmless to Arete Preparatory School and its staff from any loss or damage to clothing, toys, or other personal articles brought to the school by any member of my family; and from any claims, damages, or any liabilities for injuries to or damages to my child which are not a result of gross negligence by the school or its staff.
All students are required to have all books on the first day of class. Students will not be able to attend school without all books.
Check all of the boxes to confirm you agree with the stated policies.
Agreements Section 3
A student who is absent from school more than 10 unexcused days and whose absence has materially affected academic progress, may receive a lower grade or be retained at the discretion of the school administration.
I warrant that I am entitled to legal custody and possession of my child/ren and accordingly am authorized to place them in the care of the school.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to keep my child’s records current to reflect any changes in phone numbers, work locations, emergency contacts, child’s health status, immunization records, etc.
I agree to escort my child into the school to a staff member and only I or the persons that I designate will be allowed to pick my child up at the school.
I agree to dress my child in the proper uniform for school each morning and acknowledge that if my child is not in uniform, he/she must return home in order to dress appropriately.
Check all of the boxes to confirm you agree with the stated policies.
Agreements Section 4
I acknowledge of the uniform policy and requirements for the school year.
I agree to give a written two-week notification when withdrawing my child. I will pay up until the written withdrawal date.
All students and parents will adhere to the disciplinary policy at all times.
Please be aware that the school reserves the right to terminate immediately any Parental Contract where the actions of the child or parent are deemed detrimental to the following: ●The effective execution of policies. ●The safety and welfare of students and teachers. ●The day-to-day activities of the school.
Check all of the boxes to confirm you agree with the stated policies.
I have received, read carefully, and completed the School Policies for the 2023-2024 school years. I agree to fully comply with these policies.